Friday, January 4, 2013

Three Weeks Old

My favourite tiny humans are three weeks old today!  It has definitely gone by quickly, between their fast and furious birth, adjusting to being back home after bed rest, adjusting further to the babies' new life in the NICU, complications from my Cesarean with Reid, and now Matt being back at work every day.  Of course, the more time that passes, the closer we will be to the babies actually coming home, so that makes the whirlwind a little easier.

Madeleine at three weeks...

- Weighing in at 915 grams
- Receiving 12ml at each feed, and tolerating well for the most part
- Still on the ventilator for now (after a stint on CPAP)
- A kangaroo care champ - getting lots of cuddles, and loving them
- Otherwise totally grumpy, very particular, and absolutely hilarious

Reid at three weeks...

- Weighing in at 1048 grams
- Receiving 12ml at each feed, and tolerating well for the most part
- On the jet ventilator, still needing a fair bit of breathing assistance
- PDA has closed slightly, but still an issue
- Otherwise pretty chill, and completely and totally adorable

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