Monday, May 20, 2013

Nursery Progress

When the babies were born back in December, the nursery empty room.  And it stayed that way pretty much until a week or so before Madeleine was discharged, when it finally hit us that the babies would be home soon and we had nowhere to put them.  We bought their cribs the night before she came home (!!), and threw together as much as we could.  We weren't totally unprepared - we did manage to procure bassinets for our bedroom far in advance, and we already had bottles and clothes and all the fundamental necessities - but having some semblance of a nursery prior to the babies' homecoming (even though we knew they wouldn't be sleeping there right away) was so incredibly important to me.  Having missed out on roughly four more months of pregnancy, time I was expecting to spend nesting and preparing for the babies' arrival, I really, really wanted to have something done the way it might have been if I had carried to term.

Of course, we did only have a week in the end to throw it all together, and so while we set up the cribs and a change table, the little details were pushed by the wayside.  But since we had a long weekend coming up this week, and I knew that Matt's mom would be coming up to help us for a day, I figured it was the perfect time to finally attempt to finish things up.

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="648,649,653,650,651,652,654,655,656,657,659,658"]

Trying to build a room for two babies in a teeny, tiny house is a challenge to say the least (in fact, when we bought the house a year ago, we figured there was "just enough room for one baby", which I'm pretty certain was the moment we tempted fate into giving us twins), and having a boy/girl combination also made things a bit tricky, but I'm really happy with the outcome.  It may have been thrown together in record timing, but I think Reid and Maddie finally have a nice little space in which to spend the next few years.

(Before we move.  Because, seriously.)


  1. Alana! Your nursery is gorgeous! Totally pin-worthy space right there :)

  2. Hey Alana
    Lindsay Mallory here. My Grandma was Arlene Scuka. That's how I know Matt and Natalie. (Hi Matt)
    Anyways, I have been following your blog as we were pregnant at the same time. I had a baby boy born on April 17th
    You guys are SO strong! I really enjoying hearing about Madeleine and Ried.
    Anyways, I LOVE your nursery. I only just finished Wyatt's room over this long weekend as well!!
    Hope everything is going well with you guys!

  3. Pin-worthy is pretty much the biggest compliment you could bestow on me, so thanks!!! Haha

  4. Hi Lindsay! Congratulations on your little guy!!! I do hear little updates about you (and your hilarious little girl!) from time to time through the Romain grapevine haha. Thanks for leaving a comment, and for following along with the twins' progress.

    Sending lots of love to your family in the wake of Arlene's passing. She was an incredible lady to say the least. Would have been amazing to see her with all these new babies - I think she would have got a kick out of it for sure!
