Friday, April 19, 2013


Stupid things I've done since the babies came home:

  • Microwaved a metal can opener in an attempt to sterilize it

  • Used a rubber dishwashing glove as an oven mitt

  • Left the same rerun of the Big Bang Theory running in a loop on the PVR all day because I couldn't find the remote

  • Walked into things so many times that my legs are covered in suspicious looking bruises

  • Actually had to stop to think about how many scoops of formula I'd need to make a '12 scoop' and '6 scoop' recipe

  • Called my children by the dogs' names

  • Called each of my children by the other's gender

Sleep deprivation is serious business, people.  Good thing these babies are cute.

Screen Shot 2013-04-19 at 12.38.22 AM


  1. Oh, yeah... been there! I'd say you're doing pretty well. This is why I didn't leave the house for 2 weeks after we brought the kids home - couldn't imagine driving! Hang in there!

  2. I hope you don't think I'm laughing at your expense, but I couldn't help giggling over the bruises. You could still play connect the dots on my legs. I don't even know where they come from. Hehe
